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Everyday Essentials: Day 2

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

July 2, 2023 | Your One-Stop Solution for Daily Preparation

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Highlights of the Day

1. National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission in Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh. The mission aims to eradicate sickle cell anaemia by 2047 and focuses on the tribal population. It will be implemented in 278 districts across 17 states in India. The mission involves creating awareness, universal screening of approximately seven crore people in affected tribal areas, and counseling. Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited condition that affects haemoglobin and leads to the deformation of red blood cells. India has the second-highest prevalence of the disease globally, with Madhya Pradesh having the highest burden. Symptoms include anaemia and increased vulnerability to infections.

2. Scientists have discovered evidence of low-frequency gravitational waves in the universe, creating a cosmic background hum:

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime caused by the acceleration of massive objects. They were predicted by Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. When massive objects, such as black holes or neutron stars, accelerate or change their motion, they emit gravitational waves that propagate outward at the speed of light. These waves carry energy and information about the objects and events that generated them. Gravitational wave detection provides a new way to study the universe, allowing us to observe and understand phenomena that are invisible or difficult to study through other means, such as black hole mergers or the early moments after the Big Bang.

3. Excessive groundwater extraction impacting Polar Motion:

A study reveals that excessive groundwater extraction has not only caused a shift in Earth's axis of rotation but also impacted polar motion. Earth's axis naturally shifts as mass distribution changes, a phenomenon known as "polar motion." However, human activities, including groundwater extraction, contribute to this phenomenon. The study confirms that groundwater extraction has led to a shift in Earth's axis at a rate of 4.36 cm per year towards the east. While the impact on polar motion may not have immediate real-life consequences, it underscores the influence of human actions on Earth's rotation and the importance of considering the consequences of excessive groundwater extraction for sustainable water management.

4. Guidelines Issued to Control "Dark Patterns" of Misleading Advertisements:

The Union Consumer Affairs Ministry has issued guidelines to address the use of "dark patterns" in online advertisements. Dark patterns involve manipulative practices that deceive consumers and compromise their autonomy. Consumers can report such patterns to the National Consumer Helpline. Several countries have already implemented laws against dark patterns. Specific dark patterns include false urgency, basket sneaking, and subscription traps. The ministry aims to protect consumers' rights and prevent unfair trade practices. Social media influencers are also advised to disclose promotional content explicitly.

5. WHO and IARC Investigate Aspartame's Potential as a Carcinogen:

Aspartame, a commonly used artificial sweetener, is currently being evaluated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) for its potential as a carcinogen. This evaluation follows a thorough examination of published evidence by external experts. The safety and recommended usage levels of Aspartame are subjects of ongoing debate. It is worth noting that not all artificial sweeteners are considered carcinogens. Aspartame is extensively used in various food products, including as a tabletop sweetener and for enhancing flavors in baked goods, canned foods, chewing gum, cereals, and desserts, among others.


Practice Questions for Prelims

Q1: Which of the following statements about Sickle Cell Anemia is/are correct? Select the correct option(s).

  1. Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the shape and function of red blood cells.

  2. It is caused by a mutation in the gene responsible for producing hemoglobin, a protein involved in carrying oxygen.

  3. Sickle Cell Anemia primarily affects individuals of regions with a high prevalence of malaria.

  4. Symptoms of Sickle Cell Anemia include fatigue, pain episodes called "crises," jaundice, and increased susceptibility to infections.

a) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.

b) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.

c) Only statements 3 and 4 are correct.

d) All statements 1, 2, 3, and 4 are correct.

Q2: Which of the following phenomena can generate gravitational waves?

i) Rotation of a star

ii) Collision of black holes

iii) Supernova explosion

iv) Orbital motion of planets around a star

Select the correct option(s):

a) i and ii

b) ii and iii

c) iii and iv

d) All of the above

Q3: What is polar motion in the context of Earth's rotation?

a) The change in Earth's axial tilt over long periods of time.

b) The phenomenon where Earth's magnetic poles gradually shift over time.

c) The small, irregular movements of Earth's rotational axis relative to its crust.

d) The periodic reversal of Earth's magnetic field.

Q4: What are dark patterns in the context of online advertisements and user interfaces?

a) Design techniques used to create visually appealing interfaces.

b) Ethical guidelines followed by online platforms to protect user privacy.

c) Manipulative practices that deceive or coerce users into making unintended choices.

d) Programming algorithms that enhance the security of online transactions.

Q5: Which of the following statements about artificial sweeteners is correct?

a) Artificial sweeteners are natural sugars extracted from fruits and plants.

b) Artificial sweeteners are not safe for consumption and are banned by regulatory authorities.

c) Artificial sweeteners provide the same level of sweetness as table sugar but with fewer calories.

d) Artificial sweeteners have no impact on blood sugar levels and can be consumed without any restrictions.


Today’s Question for Mains Answer Writing

Explain the concept of the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) and its significance in the context of e-commerce in India. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of ONDC.

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What we see matters

Some insightful observations from past UPSC papers:

In prelims examination there have been repeated questions on port towns and ports of ancient India. For aspirants, it is advisable to create a map for easy understanding of it.

Check out mindmap on Ancient India Ports - Here

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